Aug. 23, 2020

S2 Ep82: Your Set-Up Sux

S2 Ep82: Your Set-Up Sux

More excellence in Golf Talk on this week's Those Weekend Golf Guys Show. First, Jeff uses some tough love when he tells you that most probably, your setup sux. There are so many little mistakes we make that lead to a disastrous result he thought it high time for an intervention. Then we get kinder and gentler with a nice conversation about golf art with our favorite golf artist, Linda Hartough. And another great conversation on golf balls with Wes Wittingham of Volvik. They have a brand new, premium tour ball that is fantastic. we've played it and like it A LOT! Hey. Remember. During this Covid-19 crisis, Do NOT touch anyone's balls. And wash your hands well after touching your own balls. We read that advice on a sign at our favorite golf course. And in the bonus content for this week, we set the wayback machine for this weekend in 2016 when we talked to Bill Twong about his Tee system that worked on the same physics as a billiard ball to always produce a straight shot. We wonder what he's doing today. LOL. Yet another wonderful hour of Golf Talk Radio.

More excellence in Golf Talk on this week's Those Weekend Golf Guys Show. First, Jeff uses some tough love when he tells you that most probably, your setup sux. There are so many little mistakes we make that lead to a disastrous result he thought it high time for an intervention. Then we get kinder and gentler with a nice conversation about golf art with our favorite golf artist, Linda Hartough. And another great conversation on golf balls with Wes Wittingham of Volvik. They have a brand new, premium tour ball that is fantastic. we've played it and like it A LOT! Hey. Remember. During this Covid-19 crisis, Do NOT touch anyone's balls. And wash your hands well after touching your own balls. We read that advice on a sign at our favorite golf course. And in the bonus content for this week, we set the wayback machine for this weekend in 2016 when we talked to Bill Twong about his Tee system that worked on the same physics as a billiard ball to always produce a straight shot. We wonder what he's doing today. LOL.
Yet another wonderful hour of Golf Talk Radio.