Yamaha Golf-Car Company has unveiled The Drive2, its next generation of gas and electric golf fleet vehicles, and the company’s latest expression of refined, luxurious technology.

Building on 10 years’ worth of continuous improvements made to the Drive line of cars, Yamaha incorporated significant improvements when designing the Drive2 lineup. The revolutionary automotive dash has been redesigned to be 34% larger, including built-in storage areas for mobile devices, range finders and multiple sized drinks. Yamaha also added no-slip mats in the front storage compartments to keep personal items more secure during the round.

Drive2 QuieTech Gas Golf Car

glf-cartWith QuieTech, Yamaha creates a new category of golf car combining the quietness and ride of its electric car with the profitability and performance of its gas car. In the new Drive2 QuieTech model, Yamaha engineers have developed a gas golf car that is dramatically quieter than the competition and almost as quiet as an electric car. Additionally, QuieTech is equipped with the first independent rear suspension system ever built for use in a golf car; technology inspired from Yamaha’s renowned all-terrain vehicle line. It is also equipped with Yamaha’s electronic fuel injection system (EFI), which Yamaha first introduced to the industry in 2014. EFI technology affords superior gas mileage, easier cold starts, and the industry’s smallest carbon footprint. This model will appeal to both gas and electric customer fleet courses looking to lower their total purchase price or lease payments significantly due to the longer term and higher residual that gas cars allow for. The Drive2 gas car is also available in their proven standard carbureted fuel engine.

Drive2 PowerTech Electric Golf Car

At the heart of the Yamaha Drive2 PowerTech electric car is its dynamic alternating current (AC) engine introduced in 2015. This motor provides the most horsepower in the industry capable of handling steep hills with speed, with a great ride, and with more efficiency than a standard DC electric engine. For flat terrain courses that do not need extra power, The Drive2 electric car is also available in a standard DC engine.


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